Secondo uno studio dell'Inran (l'Ente pubblico italiano per la ricerca in materia di alimenti e nutrizione), il caffè può essere un valido alleato contro il diabete.
Vediamo come.
Il caffè, nello specifico, sarebbe in grado di inibire uno degli enzimi intestinali deputati alla digestione dei carboidrati: ciò potrebbe causare un rallentamento nell’assorbimento del glucosio e abbassare il picco glicemico che si presenta dopo il consumo di un pasto, contribuendo alla riduzione del rischio di diabete di tipo II.
Gli scienziati hanno ipotizzato che il caffè interferisca con il processo di digestione dei carboidrati, ipotesi confermata da dati sperimentali che dovranno avere un’ulteriore conferma.
Se questo effetto benefico del caffè fosse riconfermato gli esperti consiglierebbero di bere caffè subito dopo i pasti ma senza superare un consumo di 4-5 al giorno.
Diabetes, aid from the Coffee
According to a study of the Inran, coffee can be a valid ally against the diabetes. The coffee, in the specific one, it would be able to inhibit one of the enzymes intestinal deputies to the digestion of the carbohydrates: this could cause a deceleration in the absorption of the glucose and to lower the glicemic peak that introduces it after the consumption of a meal, contributing to the reduction of the risk of diabetes type II. The scientists have hypothesized that coffee interferes with the process of digestion of the carbohydrates, hypothesis confirmed by experimental data that must have a further confirmation. If this beneficent effect of the coffee was reinstated the experts they would advise immediately to drink coffee after the meals but without overcoming a consumption of 4-5 a day.
Diabetes, aid from the Coffee
According to a study of the Inran, coffee can be a valid ally against the diabetes. The coffee, in the specific one, it would be able to inhibit one of the enzymes intestinal deputies to the digestion of the carbohydrates: this could cause a deceleration in the absorption of the glucose and to lower the glicemic peak that introduces it after the consumption of a meal, contributing to the reduction of the risk of diabetes type II. The scientists have hypothesized that coffee interferes with the process of digestion of the carbohydrates, hypothesis confirmed by experimental data that must have a further confirmation. If this beneficent effect of the coffee was reinstated the experts they would advise immediately to drink coffee after the meals but without overcoming a consumption of 4-5 a day.
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